Every Breaking Wave {Geeky}

Waves and their energy, waves and their shifting colors and repetitive motion - soothing and stressful at the same time: will it ever end, what if it ends, what now? My favorite are the soft, delicate waves, those barely perceptible but still sufficiently strong to lull you to vivid self-consciousness of the beauty of this world - or its cruelty.

Pictures of the sea or the ocean steal my attention and soul for a good cause: they are my port of entry to high levels of sensitivity letting in the world and all of its droplets and multiple dimensions. I crave the sea and its surroundings: the sand, the rocks, the shells... 

So much so that aquatic sceneries now have their own board on my Pinterest account. And their very own anthem in my audio book.

Listen (acoustic version) and click away, ready to be swept away by at least 113 waves and their visual strength. At least until the next wave takes you away in its cradled arms.

Every sailor knows that the sea
Is a friend made enemy

And every shipwrecked soul knows what it is

To live without intimacy

Source: Wolfclub

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